Saturday, February 7, 2015

Massive life changes happen

So it's been a while. Since September, I've named the chickens, Samedi and Brigitte. I got a part-time job. My husband quit working offshore and started brewing beer at a local microbrewery. I quit my part-time job and found a full-time job. And my house got dirty. And stayed dirty.
I was feeling a bit like I wasn't contributing. Money was tight and I wasn't going back to school for -the fall, so I found a job in October. Part-time, nights so it didn't interfere with going to pick my husband up when he came in from offshore. It was enough to help with that small amount we never seemed to quite have when he was going back offshore. No more hearing the dreaded "Well, you'll have to eat ramen until I get paid in ten days." Or complaints that I decided to go out for Italian. Or whatever. My husband wasn't happy with his job offshore and it was impacting my free time before work. He was constantly messaging me during the first half of his four week hitch, usually concerned about the back stabbing he was getting from the person he was relieving and whether he would have a job to go back after his two week breaks. He spent a lot of time looking for another job, but between trying to get enough sleep, working nights, and being there for my husband, I was not getting anything done in the house. The last hitch he worked, he applied for a position with a local microbrewery and they were willing to wait for him to come home (more than a week away) to interview him. He got the job and quit going offshore immediately. Unfortunately, it was a huge cut in pay. I didn't really care for the job I was doing, but I was willing to put up with it when he was offshore because of the benefit of it not interfering with me picking Sean up and dropping him off. I started applying for jobs again and went on several interviews, some for jobs I was really excited about, and eventually was hired for a full-time position with an increase of $4 an hour over what I was making at the part-time job. I started on my birthday and have just completed my third week of work there. After my first week, I suddenly felt a lot more energetic and a lot less depressed. I spent that weekend cleaning the house, which was a complete mess by this point. The kitchen was so dirty that it took all day for me to get all the dishes washed. Of course, while washing the dishes, I was doing laundry, cleaning the bathroom, sweeping but not mopping, and cooking three different meals so that I would not have to cook during the week. And because I didn't want to have to spend my entire weekend off cleaning the house, I changed the way I did things during the week. First, every morning, I would get up early enough to get everything done that needed to be done. If I get up at 6 a.m., I have time to feed the inside animals, bathe, wash my face, brush my teeth, have breakfast, put on makeup, fix my hair, feed the chickens, pack my bag for work (lunch, etc), and make my bed. That's right, make the bed. I NEVER made the bed in the morning and every night, I was having to get all the animals (and often the husband) out of the bed so I could straighten the sheets out... or just sleep with disheveled sheet and probably not enough blanket for one of us (probably me). This saved me from having to do that, and the time it took to get everyone to cooperate. Then, when I get home, I heat up the meals that I make ahead for dinner and set up a basin of hot soapy water for dishes. All dishes are washed before I go to bed. This was something I also rarely did and my husband would often put leftovers in the fridge still in pot it was cooked in. Which takes up too much room in the fridge and keeps me from being able to use that pot until we have either eaten or thrown away the food that in it. And finally, I put stuff where it goes. Then, on the weekend, when I do the rest of the housework, I make sure that stuff like the laundry is completed so I can find everything when I need it and the housework doesn't take a whole day, much less a whole weekend. So this is the third weekend, and I have actually stuck with the plan for two whole weeks. Now, instead of putting all my effort into things that I should have done during the week, I can focus on things like cleaning off the mess that was on my table (and often winding up on the floor). I had a lot more that I wanted to say, this is much longer than I intended, so I'm going to leave off and say what I've been thinking about in relation to what I've been doing.

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